Simplifying code using functions


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As you probably noticed in the last section, duplicating and modifying code to create elements that differ only in details quickly becomes fairly tedious. There must be a better way! Indeed, there is: Computers are very good at carrying out simple, repetitive tasks for us. In this section, we will explore how we can harness [1] their diligence.

Introduction to functions

The base for all our efforts will be functions. These are series of steps that we can teach a computer to perform, similar to a recipe. This means that, instead of talking through many individual steps every time we need something done, we can ask them to complete the entire task, and the computer will handle the details for us, having been taught the necessary steps. Other ways of thinking about functions include magical spells, or very specialized machines that we can build, that do our bidding at the press of a single button.

Besides reducing the need for repetition, there are several other advantages of using functions in our code. One related plus is that the code becomes much more readable and manageable, which is increasingly important as an experiment grows. This is because functions hide complexity from programmers: Imagine, for example, the massive complexity of writing text to the browser’s console when we issue an instruction like console.log('Hello world')! There are a lot of bits being twiddled in the background for this to work, and we don’t need to care about almost any of them.

Let’s take a closer look at the instruction above. The technical term for it is a function call, in the sense that we call upon a predefined function to do our bidding. We can separate it into two parts, the one outside and the other inside the parentheses. The first part is the name of the function, which is really a variable name under which the function is stored [2]. The second part are the arguments, which are included in the brackets. They further specify what the function does. You might think of them as knobs on your newly constructed machine, or the things you point your wand at while you recite your incantation. The arguments allow you to do similar things in slightly differing variations using the same function, thus providing some flexibility. In the above example, the function console.log can write different pieces of text to the console depending on the arguments provided, rather than being limited to a single value.

The parentheses at the end of the function call are required, like a magic wand has to be swished just right for the spell to work. Just saying the word will not do, which makes things a little harder, but also (in the case of incantations) prevents unintended catastrophes in latin classes worldwide.

Like a machine might produce, say, pancakes, functions also often return values as results. In doing so, they ideally abstract a more complex operation and act as a shortcut. Like the pancake machine makes pancakes a matter of pressing a button, thereby absolving the user of the need to understand its complex inner workings, a function provides a shorthand for a series of steps or calculations. We will see how to use this feature in an experiment in a moment, but as an abstract example for the time being, you might imagine the work required to make a function call like Math.sqrt(9) seem effortless. Any other effects a function might have (besides producing a return value) are referred to as side effects.

As just mentioned, a function call can hide very complex operations from us, saving us from having to calculate a square root on our own, as in the last example. Thus, a function can replace any other code by returning an equivalent value. If we had a function called plusTwo, typing 1 + 2 and plusTwo(1), and analogously let new_number = 1 + 2 and let new_number = plusTwo(1) are for our purposes entirely equivalent. A function call can act as a stand-in for an expression that results in the same value, or a variable name that represents the same value.

Where do functions come from? Many, like the above examples, are built-in, and come with the browser. Others are provided by libraries, which are external collections of functions loaded with the page. This latter way is how lab.js gets loaded onto the web page containing the experiment. Both methods provide a range of variables representing useful functions. So as not to use up to many variable names, the functions are often grouped together using a common ‘stem’, such as Math. for many math-related functions, console. for functions pertaining to console output, and lab. for everything provided by the present library.

So now we know how to invoke functions, but we can’t rely on other programmers to supply just the right ones for our purposes. How do we make our own?

Defining our own functions

A simple example

We just saw that functions can be thought of as miniature machines inside a program, built to serve a specific purpose, and to encapsulate a more complex process. Many are offered by the browser itself so that we may use them, they might be added through the libraries we load on our pages, or we can define our own.

One of the simplest possible functions can be defined as follows:

const greetFelix = function() {
  console.log('Hello Felix!')

If you have a browser window handy, please be invited to copy the code into the browser console! (feel free to substitute your own name)

There are several parts to this function definition. The final, and largest part, located within the curly braces, delimits the block of code that contains the function’s inner workings, the recipe that is run when the function is called. In this case, all our function does is call another function in turn, writing a greeting on the console. You might recognize this block structure from other elements of programs, for example if statements, where blocks of code are run only if a certain condition is met, or loops, where blocks of code are run repeatedly. This block of code is preceded by the function keyword, which marks it as a function. The very first part represents the assignment of the function to the greetFelix variable, allowing us to retrieve the function at some later point.

If you now call the function using greetFelix() (typed in the console or as a line within a larger script), the code contained in the function block will be executed, and the greeting will be shown.

Using return values

In our last example, all our function did was produce a console output as a side effect. In a way, it acted as a shortcut for another function call. However, functions are capable of far more, and can substitute not only other function calls, but also more complex calculations (such as the Math.sqrt example above). We can also make use of this in our own functions, using the return keyword to return a value:

const makeTwo = function() {
  return 2

A call of this makeTwo function now produces the integer value 2, and both can be substituted for one another. For example, 1 + makeTwo() would produce the value three, and console.log(2 * makeTwo()) would output the number four onto the console.[#f3]_

Of course, this is not a very useful function, because the value it returns is easier to produce through other means (by writing 2 directly); it does not make our lives easier. However, there are many cases in which long blocks of code can be substituted by a function call. Take, for example, the humble fixation cross. It is used often, rarely varies, and therefore a prime candidate for abstraction using a function:

const fixationCross = function() {
  return new lab.HTMLScreen(
      'timeout': 500

This function, when called, returns an HTMLScreen containing nothing but a plus character that, for our purposes, will double as a fixation cross. Like a call of makeTwo would provide the number two for further use, a call of the fixationCross function provides a fixation cross screen, and accordingly may be substituted wherever we would otherwise have defined such a screen by hand.

For example, one might construct a simple experiment as follows:

const experiment = lab.Sequence([
  // First trial
  // Stimulus 1
  new lab.HTMLScreen(
    'Press A!',
    { // Options
      responses: {
        'keypress(a)': 'correct'
  // Second trial
  // Stimulus 2
  new lab.HTMLScreen(
    'Press B!',
    { // Options
      responses: {
        'keypress(b)': 'correct'
  // ...


Please note how the calls to the fixationCross function replaces the otherwise unwieldy and repetitive direct construction of the corresponding screen. Nice, isn’t it?

Adding parameters

Up to now, the functions we have defined always perform the exact same task, whether producing side effects or returning values. Once defined, they never wavered in their stoic performance of the recipe they have been programmed to perform. This would mean that we would have to program a new function for each set of tasks we would like to encapsulate. If the sets of tasks vary only in minutiae, this would also quickly become repetitive.

Parameters allow us vary the behavior of a single function across calls, by specifying the details of its’ execution. For example, rather than a makeTwo function, we might define a plusTwo function that, as you might imagine, increments a given value by two. We do so by adding a parameter in the brackets following the function keyword. In this case, it is called x, but any other variable name would also be possible. The central trick is that whatever we pass along as a parameter value will be available within the function block through this variable, and can be used for our further calculations.:

const plusTwo = function(x) {
  return x + 2

In this case, the variable x takes on the value of the parameter passed to the function, which adds two before returning the result. Thus, plusTwo(3) would return the value five, and so on.

Again, this is not a particularly useful example, so how can we apply this to our experiments?

[1]An earlier version of this tutorial read ‘take advantage of their diligence’, but we would never do that, right? The author, for one, welcomes his silicon overlords.

You might have noticed that the name, in this case, is also split into two parts, separated by the period. This signifies that the log function is part of the console object. Grouping of functions in objects is often used for tidiness – you might have noticed that all functions belonging to lab.js are contained in the lab object, as in lab.HTMLScreen.

Similarly, functions that pertain to a specific element in the experiment are also linked to the element’s variable with a period, like, which runs a specific element. This indicates that the function is linked to, and operates on, the object it comes with. Such functions are often called methods.

[3]Note that, unlike this example might suggest, return values need not be deterministic. For example, the function Math.random() will return a different floating point number between zero and one with each call (well, most of the time).