Running tests

Don’t be fooled by us listing them last – tests are a vital part of our work and infrastructure. They are what allows us to sleep at night while colleagues the world over rely on our software. When you or any of us proposes a change, automated tests will verify it, and together, we’ll write new tests to cover any added functionality.


You’ll find the tests for the core library in the packages/library/test directory. After building the library, you can test its functionality by opening index.html in any browser, which will run a series of checks to ensure that everything works as designed. You should (hopefully) see a lot of green tick marks!

During development, you might find it easier and faster to run automated tests from the command line. The command npm test, run in the packages/library folder, will do that for you, provided that you have a version of the chrome browser installed.

To run cross-browser tests, you’ll need an account at Sauce Labs, and setup your computer so that your login credentials are available. Then, you can run npm run test:sauce to automatically run the entire test suite across the full range of supported browsers.

We also take great pride in our good test coverage, for which statistics can be generated using the command npm run test:coverage.


Unit tests for the builder cover the core application logic. By running npm test in the packages/builder directory, you’ll get continuously updated test results.